Tuesday, September 20, 2011

E-Books: $ or Free (Take Two)

My anthology 'SF++  Science Fiction Stories for Linux Geeks' has been available for purchase for Kindle/Nook for $4, or obtainable on my website for free. I have some data now: About one third of the readers have bought the e-book while the other two thirds got it for free. And that is fine with me.

This encourages me to use the $-or-Free rubric for all my e-publications.

It seems there are two types of e-book acquirers--the ones who will buy the book if it is at a reasonable price, and the others who have become used to the idea that stuff on the Internet should be free--and that idea often leads to perhaps less than honorable methods of acquiring that stuff that isn't free. So be it. Mainly, I want people to read my work. Revenue, while nice (and appreciated), is secondary.

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