Monday, September 5, 2011

Four Dollars or Free

A few days ago, I e-published my  anthology 'SF++ Science Fiction Stories for Linux Geeks' on Amazon/Kindle and B&N/Nook. I set the price at $4.00 but, to keep in the spirit of Linux (a free operating system), I offered the book for free on my website page for the book:

Already, it has turned out well. I've had sales [it's nice to see revenue] and,
I've had requests for free copies [it's nice to have readership].

This seems to fulfill my two apparently contradictory requirements: getting readers, and getting money. (Of the two, the former is more important to me.)

I think I'll slowly reprice my other e-books with this same rubric ($4.00 or Free). I'll start with my second most geeky offering (SF++ was the first most), 'The Trojan Carousel'.

'The Trojan Carousel' is something of a composite of 'Lord of the Flies', 'Harry Potter', and an elementary textbook on quantum mechanics. The textbook aspect can be safely ignored. It is only invoked when a reader clicks to continue a particular scene where physics is discussed in detail (after which, the reader, seamlessly, moves on to the next scene).

More and more, I'm coming over to Cory Doctorow's idea that giving away stuff is good.

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