Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who I am

Sometimes, I wonder.
     I'm a theoretical physicist and a science fiction writer. Up until a few months ago, I wrote short stories, exclusively. The bulk of them went to Analog Magazine. I've had over thirty stories published in that keeper of the flame of hard-sf.
    But now, with the arrival of the Kindle and Nook, and the ability to self-publish through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, I've become a e-published novelist as well. I've now e-published eight volumes: three short story anthologies and five novels.
    Marketing is the key. And to that end, I've (with some trepidation and reluctance) started this blog. And I decided I needed a uniform name to use across the e-universe. As the names Carl and Frederick are too common to use for Twitter, Blogspot, Facebook, or to register as a URL, I resorted to my college nickname, Frithrik (the Icelandic and also Old-English versions of Frederick. I'm a nut on Old-English). I figured that while there are billions of English speakers, there are only some 300 thousand Icelanders--so I might have a chance to pick up And I did--and I'm now using Frithrik just about everywhere.
    For my photo, I chose Omnivor, the robot I (and my very small company at the time) built for Omni Magazine for use on their TV program series: 'Omni-The World Tomorrow'. When the series ended, I got my robot back. He stands now in my living room--as a not quite living monument. (He's almost six feet tall.)
   I'm uncertain whether this self-marketing will actually work, but as a character in one of my stories said, 'Blessed are the uncertain, for maybe they shall see Heisenberg'.
   And, of course, I don't expect anyone to actually read this blog--not for a while, anyway. I guess I'll treat it as a diary, albeit not a very secure one.

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