Saturday, July 23, 2011

E-Robot Science Fiction

A new publishing house? No. Not hardly, not really--but perhaps virtually.

I've written a good number of SF stories, most of which have been published in pro SF magazines. And now, with Amazon and Barnes & Nobles enabling authors to upload and 'publish' their own works, I thought to e-publish my short stories individually--and at a 'pulp era' price of thirty-five cents. A reader could then buy only the stories s/he wanted without having to purchase an entire anthology.
The issue was: what to do about the covers. I wanted the covers to be similar to each other but not identical. So I decided to use as a background, different photographs of my Omnivor robot (the one I use as my e-world avatar). But most of my stories have nothing to do with robots. After pondering the problem for a while, I got the idea to create (in name, at least) a virtual publishing house, 'E-Robot Science Fiction'. That, I figured, would perhaps justify the robots on the covers.
I plan to e-pub (via Kindle & Nook) one SF story every day or two.

You can see the stories that are up (or going up) at

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