Monday, July 25, 2011

My penultimate anthology, SF-Lite.

I've just sent my penultimate science fiction anthology up to Kindle and Nook (it'll take a day or two before it becomes visible). 'SF-Lite' is a collection of humorous stories (at least they are meant to be humorous). The anthology of twenty stories is priced at $4.00. I've priced it a dollar higher than my others to see if it makes any difference.

My ultimate anthology (penultimate + 1), 'SF++   Science Fiction Stories for Linux Geeks' goes up in about a month. Because Amazon/Kindle and B&N/Nook don't allow an individual author to price their books under ninety-nine cents, the book won't be free (as intended) at the Kindle and Nook stores, and, in fact, will be priced at $1.00.  But in the book description, I'll tell how to get it free via my website,

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